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Monday, July 22, 2019

Chant Arabe HT

The end of the B section in Chant Arabe is difficult for anyone and needs to be carefully choreographed. If careful hands-separate preparation has been done, this shouldn't take long or be too frustrating. Here is a demo of how this should be choreographed for the young student:

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Last Clementi in Book 3

A daunting passage appears on the third page of the Clementi Sonatina Op. 36, No. 3 in Suzuki Book 3.

Here is Evan, working through the RH chords. He is doing three at a time, and then putting them together. Here, he is working through measures 42 and 43. This method will continue until measure 45 when it is merely a descending scale.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Chicago Piano Lesson Weekly

For those of you who have expressed interest in the music psychology articles and local events I share with you regularly, you might want to check out my newsletter on those very topics!

The Chicago Piano Lesson Weekly comes out twice a week and can be accessed here, from my website, and highlights are posted regularly on my FaithSlaker Music Facebook page and Twitter.

For today, please enjoy this article on Parents as Engaged Partners in Music.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Work for Beginners

Hello New Suzuki Families!

One of the things you'll find us doing in group classes is using the body as a music staff. See BodyStaffBasics for the basics!

Jingle Bells on the body staff:

And you might be working on the airplane song! Here is one of my Suzuki mom's playing it with beautiful legato touch: